As the new year approaches and when many people feel the need to hit the reset button of their life, I wish mine to rewind a year back and repeat. The past 12 months have brought a fair share of good lessons, happy moments and most importantly hope. Love and luck stood by me..Fariz and I are ready to take the next big step in our journey together. But even though the year ahead promises to be very exciting, somehow I'm a lil bit upset to see 2010 end here..what if lady luck suddenly decides to deceive me?

and owh if you're wondering, I'm not really one of those resolution makers, coz for one, they're not my thing. Resolutions are meaningless blurbs. Probably because I set crazy goals, like promising myself to spend less hours surfing the net or to not buy anymore shoes??! to wake up early in the morning (which I tell myself to do every night before I sleep, but I never did)..It is like making a promise that I don't want to make..or saying maybe or I'll try..why write a depressing list of things to do? You know at least your resolutions must be something you WANT to do instead of just something you better off doing..know what I mean?
and I usually live for the day, taking one thing at a time. Planning ahead is not my forte. When I really have a pile of things to do and started complaining, Fariz will make me write my to-do-list and that really, is the closest I get to being organized. I mean, even in other areas of life~ like shopping, I don't make lists. I trust my instinct, I follow my heart and do what any girl in a candy shop would do~ buy whatever I feel like buying! simply because I act on impulse rather than thought. and nowadays, the furthest I get to planning is always about what to wear tomorrow or what and where to eat. though another exception is probably the wedding~ which I tell you I am only the least bit enjoying it coz it involves a lot of shopping and spending m$n$y that I either don't have or that are not mine.. hahah
So anyway here I am, welcoming 2011 with arms wide open and totally (not so) ready for whatever it has in store to offer. I've heard that good things don't last, but we will inshaAllah.. I expect much awesomeness to ensue once Fariz and me step up to be man and wife.. at the end, what I really want boils down to mostly two major things; I just want to stay in love and be happy :)
"Samantha Jones: Relationships aren't just about being happy.
I mean, how often are you happy in your relationship?
Charlotte York: Every day.
Samantha Jones: Every day?
Charlotte York:Well, not all day every day but yes, every day."
I mean, how often are you happy in your relationship?
Charlotte York: Every day.
Samantha Jones: Every day?
Charlotte York:Well, not all day every day but yes, every day."
Sex and the city, 2008
Perfectly, exactly how I feel
No other way can better describe it
I love you Sayang,
Yay! to a happy new year ahead xxx
Perfectly, exactly how I feel
No other way can better describe it
I love you Sayang,
Yay! to a happy new year ahead xxx