Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I love...

a head rub when I'm sick. chocolates for no reason. a very very late breakfast or no breakfast. forehead kisses. lots of kisses. french kisses. a long drive with the windows down. flowers just because. tickles and laughter. brushing teeth together. singing love songs to each other. your guitar. the sound of your guitar. text messages to say “i love you”. pillow talks. a perfect photo. falling asleep face to face. early morning cuddles. holding hands. crossing legs with you. a lunch date. popcorns and watching movies. piggy back rides. love notes. making plans. talking about uncertain times. dressing up. dressing down. dreaming of traveling. dreaming of a big house. buying something new. the sound of you asleep. you smiling. McDonald's delivery. a rainy day. after shower. Sunday sleep-ins. weeping on your chest. checking in hotel rooms. reading. praying together. a pinky promises. saying sorry. the smell of your coffee. calling your name. making faces. love stories. your strong shoulders. fresh air. you and me. us. just the two of us.

1 comment:

  1. Aslamalikum, read few of your blogs and thoughtfully enjoyed them......May ur life be always glittering with true shades of joy. :)
