Thursday, September 2, 2010

a weekend oh-not-so-fruitful

In our latest adventure, Fariz and I went out and about for our very first bridal boutique hunt around his area..the initial idea was to get the full gambit of what's out there because, seemingly, Fariz is supremely naive for not having any clue about the whole bridal thing..

and oh boy oh boy, if I must tell you, I wasn't the least bit awed by our findings..almost everything we came across seemed decidedly demoded and outdated.. and I seriously doubt if any of the vendors we met could make our dais stand as nice and neat as to what I envisioned..

could we have actually looked at the wrong place after all??

and speaking of make-up, even if I didn't see the need to spend a real chunk of change on a beauty pro to doll me up, I was still horribly tempted though :( and Fariz was extremely put off to learn how expensive it will cost to hire a make-up artist for his/her service..I swear I saw him practically scratching his not-so-itchy head away and I feel baaaaaaad......

plus not only that, we also came to realized that the other biggest hitch is probably finding my dress of absolute perfect fit..and Fariz's matching attire too because his measurements conflicts with the sample ones that they readily have for rental..

unless if we get ours custom made..
which again I am not so keen of because I am not blessed with the creativity to sketch my own dream dress! and scouting for the right material and design will suck too :( not fun , not fun!!!


but at least, after all of that, (I think) Fariz finally gets it that wedding is NOT just a case of turning up with a new haircut and a shave!!


nevertheless, on a happier note..

the highlight of the whole bridal hunting business is us!!
even if at times I feel like I want give up worrying about the wedding, dig a rabbit hole and hide inside, it is always comforting to know that Fariz has an extraordinary patience for me and he is probably even willing to sell his soul to get me all I want..

yeah you heard me..he.will.sell.his.soul

thank you sayang!! :)

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